Keeping your canine athlete healthy

No matter what sport you and your dog compete in, there are high demands made on your dog’s body. It is important to keep your dog free of injuries by making 
sure the muscles are flexible and tension free. Tense muscles restrict blood flow which can cause tissue swelling and pain, and they restrict a proper range of 
movement. When a muscle is tense it contracts and pulls on tendons and ligaments which can make your dog more prone to tears and sprains. Keeping your dog healthy by doing preventive bodywork can increase stamina, speed, and performance.
We are experienced in working with dogs competing in both IPO and Mondio Ring, as high up as World Championship level.

IPO is one of the most demanding sports a dog can participate in. Keeping neck tension at bay is important whether your dog is tracking, heeling, or pursuing an 
escaping helper. You depend on the helper catching the dog correctly when hanging mid-air from the sleeve, and a neck that is flexible will keep the dog less at risk 
for injuries. Tension in the jaw can be crucial for a proper grip when retrieving dumbbells. Your dog’s hind quarters and lower back muscles are working hard 
whether he is doing a down in motion, retrieving over the 6ft slanted wall, or doing tight turns when searching blinds. 

Ring Sport
Just like in IPO, neck and jaw muscles are easily strained when doing bite work. 
Hips and back need to be able to obtain full range of movement for the long jump, hurdle, and palisade. Shoulders and neck get the full impact when the dog descends on the other side of the palisade and over time that can cause tension in those areas. Get regular maintenance body work to keep your dog healthy and increase frequency before trialing. Massage reduces the buildup of fibrous tissue adhesion and makes sure those ligaments and tendons stay strong.

Make sure he is up for the challenge by getting him massaged on a regular basis so he is ready to show and make all your hard work pay off.​

By law, massage and acupressure is required to be done under the direct or general supervision of a licensed veterinarian.​